This is a few posts late. I'd planned on doing this for my 100th post, but instead I spewed about my love for teen flicks.
Whatever. Here is it anyway.
100. My body aches all over from my run yesterday
99. I'm wearing pajama bottoms with Thumper on them
98. I live in the same town where I went to college
97. My town only has one stop light
96. I was a Resident Assistant in college
95. Then I was an Assistant Resident Director
94. I was also president of the Residence Hall Association
93. I graduated college in 2005
92. That was 5 years after I graduated High School
91. Technically it was five and a half years after I graduated High School because I graduated early
90. I took a year off after High School because I was tired of school
89. That year really made me appreciate my education once I got it
88. I went to five proms
87. I had a different dress for each one
86. I have many vices, but the biggest one is chocolate
85. In particular peanut butter with chocolate on it
84. If you ever need to get me a present you can get me Reeses cups
83. I gained 20 pounds when my boyfriend and best friend went away to college
82. I only weighted about 100 pounds to start with so it wasn't that big of a deal
81. I love to bake
80. I also love kitchen products.
79. Williams Sonoma is one of my favorite stores
78. I drive a 91 Jeep Cherokee
77. It's the only car I've ever had
76. I paid for it myself
75. I'm never going to sell it
74. I have always wished my hair was a little bit darker
73. I don't color it
72. I will once I start to go gray
71. Then I think I'm going to go red
70. I have one brother
69. He is four and a half years older than me
68. I have two nephews and a niece; they all belong to him
67. I used to think I wanted four kids
66. Now I'm thinking one will be enough
65. I was a nanny in college
64. I would have a dozen kids if I could have them just like the ones I kept in college
63. I have two bunnies
62. They are named Brunswik and Milton
61. My grandfather was named Milton
60. But we didn't name the bunny after him.
59. I talk to my bunnies like they are human
58. I swear the understand me
57. I'm a scrapbooker
56. I own all seven seasons of The Gilmore Girls
55. I watch them regularly
54. After marathon days I start to talk like them
53. Andy tells me to be quiet a lot on those days
52. I think Amy Sherman-Palladino is a genius
51. Clueless is one of my favorite movies
50. I can recite the whole thing from start to finish, verbatim
49. Reality television drives me crazy
48. Especially the "Celebreality" shows on VH1
47. I'm hoping that one day television will just be about actors and news again; you know, people with actual talent
46. Andy and I have been together for eight and a half years
45. Our original wedding date was two days ago
44. We just celebrated our two year wedding anniversary
43. We met when we were 17
42. We worked together
41. We have always had matching Jeeps
40. I went to elementary school and middle school in the same building
39. My parents separated when I was 18 months old
38. My dad passed away when I was 18 years old
37. I have a scar on my left eyelid from a car accident I was in when I was eight
36. I wasn't wearing my seat belt
35. The surgeon who gave me stitches was color blind
34. That made me sad
33. I never had an alcoholic beverage until six months after my twenty first birthday
32. It was a Parrot Bay and Pineapple
31. I think the second one was an amaretto sour
30. I've never smoked a cigarette
29. The smoke from cigarettes gives me sinus infections
28. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday
27. My favorite color is purple
26. I've been picking out my clothes and dressing myself since I was 3
25. I went through a phase where all I would wear was purple
24. Now I only have three purple items in my closet
23. If eggs are overcooked I won't eat them
22. My mom, brother and I lived with my grandparents until my mom got remarried
21. I refused to move out of the only home I'd ever known
20. So I lived with them during the week and with my parents on weekends
19. I didn't have my own cell phone until I was 20
18. That was only because I went away to college
17. I don't mind doing laundry
16. But I hate folding it
15. I'm an introvert
14. Watermelon is my favorite fruit
13. But whenever I eat it I have to pee, a lot
12. I have thirteen first cousins
11. My extended family is huge
10. I know most of them by name
9. I have an elephant's memory
8. I graduated from college with a 3.6 GPA
7. That would have been a lot higher if my math teacher had known what the hell he was doing
6. I've never had a speeding ticket, yet
5. Esther is my favorite book in the bible
4. I had a pulled pork sandwich for lunch today
3. We get our mail at a post office box
2. I grew up in the birthplace of Lowes Home Improvement and Nascar racing
1. I love reading
If you made it all the way through that you deserve a treat. I almost didn't make it myself.